Mobile App & UI Development

The world underwent a significant transition with the introduction of Internet technology in the mid-1990s. The industry for mobile applications has grown at an exponential rate as a result of technology improvements. Professionals with specialized knowledge in these areas are now needed by the industry. JG University’s M.SC-IT programme, which offers a mobile application specialization, is made to satisfy industry standards for knowledge and expertise.

The M.Sc.-IT in Mobile App & UI Development Programme guarantees that students receive instruction in the fundamentals of computer science with a focus on mobile technology. The curriculum includes essential topics and useful tabs that can support students in succeeding.

  • Gain basic knowledge of C programming, Java programming and device architecture fundamentals
  • Gain exposure to cross platform development, HTML5, CSS3
  • Learn in depth about mobile app development for various platforms.

Course Detail

Semester 1

  • Fundamentals Of Application Development
  • Web Technology-I
  • Web Technology-I Lab
  • Language for Cross Platform
  • Database Management System
  • UI/UX

Semester 2

  • Basic Android Programming
  • Basic iPhone Programming
  • Basic Android Programming-LAB
  • Basic iPhone Programming -LAB
  • Cross Platform App Development-I
  • Web Technology-II

Semester 3

  • Advanced Android Programming
  • Advanced iPhone Programming
  • Advanced Android Programming-LAB
  • Advanced iPhone Programming -LAB
  • Cross Platform App Development-II
  • Web Technology-III

Semester 4

  • Internship Project