What is 2D animation?
2D animation occurs when we combine different pictures of different heights and widths together, which creates an illusion of movement in a two-dimensional world without any depth. Now you might ask why we call this 2D animation. That’s because width and height are the only two variables and dimensional elements. There are different genres of animation which we’ll cover in the next section.
There are various ways of breaking down 2D animation styles, but in the most basic way, it all comes down to two subcategories:
Traditional animation
Traditional animation (also known as hand-drawn animation or classical animation) is an animation technique where all the frames used to create the illusion of motion are first drawn on paper and, consequently, done by hand.

Modern animation
Unlike the traditional method, modern 2D animation is all about computers and their ability to take things further when it comes to creating an animation. Along with that, different 2D animation software is developed which gives the option of creating characters, and backgrounds, and animating them all together.